Posts Tagged ‘Army Games’

Some more neat vehicles from today’s exhibition in Patriot Park.
BTR-90, BRM-1K, T-80UE1, T-72B3, T-72BA, S-400, Tunguska, S-300, Nona-SVK, Smerch.

Very interesting exhibition of modern vehicles in Patriot Park for the Closing Ceremony of ARMYGAMES-2015.
Many rare vehicles.
TMS-65U, RKhM-6, MMK bridge, BREM-K, BREM-1M, PTS-4, Topol, Mi-24 gun, BMP-KSh

These are just some quick snaps with phone, a full report shall be coming.

The “International military games 2015” – “Masters of artillery fire” will be the “Dance of the trunks” with tanks. How it will look on August 3, at a ceremony on July 29, journalists were able to watch as they were invited.

The program will open with a speech by the Mounted Police. Opening ceremonies will include helicopter pilots, demonstration pf firing of guns “Grad” and other modern weapons. The competition will be held from August 1 to 15 at the site “Wide Karamysh” in the Saratov region. The participants will be the team of Angola, China, Belarus, Venezuela and Russia.